Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Human Behavior Experiment Powerpoint

Quick Write: Give one important reason why you are making the claim you chose for your argument essay.

One important reason why I'm making the claim I chose for my argument essay is that I do think that conformity is a building block in society and that without conformity, civilization as we know it would not exist. Without conformity there would be an abundance of chaos and for that reason, I feel the need to make this my claim in my argument essay.

In class, we were assigned a powerpoint project based on one of the different social experiments we were studying. Our four topics were, The Milgram Experiment, The Stanford Prison Experiment, The Asch Experiment, and The Darley and Latane experiments. Our presentation had to demonstrate our analysis and interpretation of our selected experiment. It was most important to think about what the experiment that I chose to analyze said about human nature. Click to see my Presentation!

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