Friday, February 27, 2015

Conformity and The Asch Experiment

In class we are discussing conformity of an individual in groups. We were asked to put our answers to the following three questions into our blogs, writing in complete sentences and well-organized paragraphs. We are asked to not forget to give my readers context and I hope that I gave plenty. After asking a partner to proofread it, below the questions is my final version:
Question 1: Based on this sentence, write down your own definition of “conformity” or “conform.”
"A lot of girls in school – including Johanna's best friend, Sarah – were dying their hair orange, but Johanna refused to conform, stating that she preferred her natural color."
Question 2: How do you think conformity and obedience are similar? How do you think they are different?
Question 3:
(a) What does the Asch Experiment demonstrate? Explain.
(b) Given what you’ve learned, do you think you're more of a conformist or an individual? How has this benefited you and/or worked against you in the past?
(c) Is conformity good or bad? Consider these situations: driving laws, Nazism, the Holocaust, body image, religion, and clothing styles.
(d) Can you think of other instances where people might conform?

Answer 1: Conformity means to follow the group and their interests.

Answer 2: I think conformity and obedience are similar in that either way you are doing something you may or may not want to do or doing what others want, expect, or suggest you to do.

Answer 3:
(a) The Asch Experiment demonstrates that when in a group, an individual will conform to the group's interests. It demonstrates that even if in the beginning the individual does not conform, they may conform at least once to the group's interests or actions, whether they believe in it or not.
(b) Given what I've learned, I think I'm more of of an individual now. This has worked against me in the past in that people always saw me as an outcast when I started becoming an individual. They thought I was "weird" and "different." It didn't really bother me because in the end, if they don't like you then who cares what they think? My parents find me disrespectful at times when I'm being myself but those are things I can get past.
(c) I personally don't think conformity is good or bad. I think it may be appropriate in some situations but not in all. Following the laws for example may be an appropriate situation to conform or in traffic. But if people are rising against a cause that you may believe is wrong or inhumane, that could be an appropriate time to be a non-conformist.
(d) Some instances where people might conform is in work, in school, in religious places, with family, in society, with friends, with business associates, or with marriage.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Conformity, Obedience, and Individuality

Quick Write:
In the Apple commercial from 1984, most of the people were followers. They seemed to do as they were told and almost as if they were brainwashed, they followed one leader. Dressed in the same bland, grey tone, most of the people were basically being conformists. But out of nowhere, a woman dressed in vibrant colored sportswear came running down the hall with something in her hand. She destroyed the projection or screen and blew away everyone's minds!

We also were assigned an essential questions worksheet on the conformity and non-conformity.
Click here to see when is it important to be a non-conformist

Monday, February 23, 2015

Quick Write

Basing my assessment of my performance in this class on the CCS rubric, I have come to the conclusion that I did not do everything I was asked to do. Because of this, I give myself a grade of 2 for the Learning Outcomes part of the rubric. I give myself a grade of 2 because I may have been doing my best in the beginning of this class, but lately I have let myself go and gone back to lazy ways. I haven't completed recent assignments or read my independent reading book and looking back now on what I did throughout the week I wish that I had made time and had some self motivation for once in my life. For the Ideas part of the CCS rubric, I gave myself a grade of 4 because I personally and honestly feel that, in the assignments that I DID complete, I gave my best effort, as much attention as I could pay, and addressed all the tasks and requirements in the assignment. For the Writing Conventions part of the CCS rubric, i gave myself a grade of 4 because I feel that my writing was clear and organized with minimal spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors. For the Effort part of the CCS rubric, I gave myself a grade of 2 because even though I tried my best in all the assignments that I did complete, I still did not complete all of the asked assignments and therefore i feel that I did not give my best effort completely.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

~Introduction To Me~

Hi! My name is Marilynn and I love to read and write poetry. I'm still a teenager though, so I do like to play video games, text, talk, hang out with my friends, and go on Facebook. I live in the Bronx, NY and in this course I hope to explore the deepest depths of my creativity. I want to see the full extents of my creativity and unleash it in wonderful poetry and essays. So, my question to you is how will you help me explore and challenge my creativity in group activities? Click Here to See My Selfie Poster!