Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Conformity, Obedience, and Individuality

Quick Write:
In the Apple commercial from 1984, most of the people were followers. They seemed to do as they were told and almost as if they were brainwashed, they followed one leader. Dressed in the same bland, grey tone, most of the people were basically being conformists. But out of nowhere, a woman dressed in vibrant colored sportswear came running down the hall with something in her hand. She destroyed the projection or screen and blew away everyone's minds!

We also were assigned an essential questions worksheet on the conformity and non-conformity.
Click here to see when is it important to be a non-conformist

1 comment:

  1. Great job linking your worksheet to your blog. Were you able to find my comments? There was another worksheet for the lesson today. It was on identity. You can just answer the questions on your blog if you like. Also, you could have linked this worksheet to the original post. Everything you publish can always be updated and edited.
