Monday, February 23, 2015

Quick Write

Basing my assessment of my performance in this class on the CCS rubric, I have come to the conclusion that I did not do everything I was asked to do. Because of this, I give myself a grade of 2 for the Learning Outcomes part of the rubric. I give myself a grade of 2 because I may have been doing my best in the beginning of this class, but lately I have let myself go and gone back to lazy ways. I haven't completed recent assignments or read my independent reading book and looking back now on what I did throughout the week I wish that I had made time and had some self motivation for once in my life. For the Ideas part of the CCS rubric, I gave myself a grade of 4 because I personally and honestly feel that, in the assignments that I DID complete, I gave my best effort, as much attention as I could pay, and addressed all the tasks and requirements in the assignment. For the Writing Conventions part of the CCS rubric, i gave myself a grade of 4 because I feel that my writing was clear and organized with minimal spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors. For the Effort part of the CCS rubric, I gave myself a grade of 2 because even though I tried my best in all the assignments that I did complete, I still did not complete all of the asked assignments and therefore i feel that I did not give my best effort completely.

1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent analysis because you supported each score you gave yourself with relevant and specific evidence.
